Assystem is all set to revolutionize The Bengaluru Suburban Railway Project (BSRP), spearheaded by the Karnataka Rail Infrastructure Development Company Limited (KRIDE). Designed to address the city’s pressing traffic congestion and provide seamless connectivity to nearby towns and satellite cities, the BSRP project is a major step toward sustainable urban mobility.
Assystem in India is proud to contribute to this transformative project by undertaking detail design and construction supervision services for nine stations on Corridor-4A. The scope of work includes:
- Detailed design and site supervision of one elevated station and eight at-grade stations.
- Oversee civil, structural, and architectural finishes.
- Entry/exit structures, steel foot overbridges (FOBs), roof structures, and pre-engineered building (PEB) works.
- Comprehensive E&M works.
- Detailed Design & Engineering (DDC) for associated project components.
BSRP, under the ownership of Indian Railways, features a network of four railway lines spanning approximately 148 to 150 kilometers. The railway system, constructed on a broad-gauge track, is set to become an advanced public transportation solution for Bengaluru and its surrounding areas. With an anticipated completion year of 2026, this project aims to cater to over one million passengers daily, significantly reducing traffic congestion and carbon emissions.
The significance of the K-RIDE project is humongous as the project’s integration with other transportation systems is a key highlight, ensuring passengers can easily switch between various modes of transport. This interconnected approach promotes sustainable mobility and addresses the city’s burgeoning transportation needs.
Moreover, K-RIDE plans to transform 57 stations into Smart Station Hubs. These hubs will integrate commercial, retail, hospitality, and workspace facilities, fostering employment opportunities and aligning with India’s Make in India initiative.
The BSRP is expected to remarkably enhance Bengaluru’s infrastructure and quality of life:
- Seamlessly links Bengaluru to its suburbs, satellite towns, and villages.
- Reduces travel costs and commute times.
- Offers an eco-friendly transport alternative, decreasing the city’s carbon footprint.
- Multifunctional spaces for shopping, working, and entertainment, driving economic growth and job creation.
The Bengaluru Suburban Railway Project is more than just a transportation initiative—it is a step toward transforming Bengaluru into a model for urban mobility and sustainable development. Assystem India is honored to play a pivotal role in this journey.
Vikas Chopra, Chief Operations Officer at Assystem in India said, “As a global leader in engineering and project management, Assystem remains committed to delivering sustainable and innovative infrastructure solutions. Our collaboration with K-RIDE exemplifies our expertise in creating efficient, future-ready transportation systems that positively impact communities and the environment.”